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Keep CR in place even if you don't meet sometimes, In Orlando FL we are meeting again starting April 16th, my journey involves 12 step programs I serve in, being an active Sub-c and homegroup member our CR ministry will be discussing issues like Denial, powerlessness and control. Haven't posted here in awhile, but my roots were planted in the NY CR ministry.
Hey all, hope all is well all over the world . Right now is the middle of the Corona Pandemic, we are having virtual CHURCH CR and NA meetings. If you need a meeting check on one the the CR websites or even an NA website. Here in Orlando I help manage the and websites
not much action on the site lately, wanted to share a story. I graduated CR back in 1989 in NYC , been in FL last 26 years. Recently one of my rental houses was turned into a grow House, during my dealing with the cleanup I encountered much cannabis smell, plus found large bags full of it. (immediately turned into the local police or destroyed) , if not for God's power and being taught to obey (as in matt 28:20) from Cr I may have used during this situation. Thanks to the NYC CR ministry I am still standing. I have many photos of the house, hopefully my experience can helps others somehow.
Erotmil, I would agree with Dink. Everything is possible but not everything beneficial. What are the benefits of me drinking again when it was drink that caused so much damage in my life. Why would I want to test God and the power He gave me to stop? This is not an act of faith and anything not done through faith is sin. So in the case of a recovering addict, it is sin to pick up again. What does anyone else think?
hmullan on 11 years ago
Tia. Congratulations! That's fantastic. Keep on keeping on and sharing that good news.
Dink on 11 years ago
Congratulations Tia!Much continued success in Christ.
Dink on 11 years ago
Erotmil You are correct, drinking is not sin, but there is very fine line with drinking and drunkenness, especially for former C.R. members. Remember, as addicts and alcoholics we are in recovery for the rest of our lives, so why take the risk. This graduate seems to have lost all sensitivity to where drinking can lead them to. Ice cold water and kool-aid are great alternatives. Satan is very patient, and this person will most likely experience drunkenness again. I'm just saying.
Tia on 11 years ago
Good news to share. I graduated from the CR Ministry this past Sunday.
erotmil on 12 years ago
Question: If a CR graduate drinks but does not get drunk is that sin? (for me it is) Asking many CR grads that have been out of CR for years many either drink alcohol or have had a drink. I express my concerns and suggest they visit CR a read a journal again (can't order people). Bible only says drunkeness is a SIN. What do you think?
erotmil on 12 years ago
tjnelson7 when I visited there about 4 years ago they did have CR.
tjnelson7 on 12 years ago
Hello All Does anyone know of a CR Group in the area of Phoeniz AZ? Let me know - thanks!!
Dink on 12 years ago
Thanks folks, I have it...
Dink on 12 years ago
Does anyone have a copy of the "lack of motivation" contract described in Some Sat in Darkness (pg.161)?
erotmil on 12 years ago
hey all ! What are you grateful for today ? I got a few 1. To be posting here instead of looking to score. 2.Studying with a guy I met. 3.Preparing for my day in my Bible (for church and CR). Could make a long list , think I will insert this topic into my group today. Have a great day!
disciplecoastal on 12 years ago
For all those living in the Los Angeles Region that have been blessed by the CR Ministry and those that are just curious please come out to our Annual CR Picnic Saturday, August 11 @ the Frank G Bonelli Park - 120 Via Verde San Dimas, CA 91773 Section Lakeside Umbrellas-
disciplecoastal on 12 years ago
Thank you Will and Rose for an informative and insightful lesson @ WDS.
tjnelson7 on 12 years ago
So far no info about a CR Meet-up at the WDS - I know we would love to do something!! But I think the consenses is - there will be a lot going on already... perhaps we could still have lunch or something on Saturday? If anyone is interested in that - let's plan it!
erotmil on 12 years ago
A couple news bits, first womens CR in orlando today (God willing) Also a new anchor doing article on K2 interviewed a friend about the substance. K2 is still legal in Florida
StaceyM on 12 years ago
Does anyone know of any CR-related gatherings in San Antonio at the World Discipleship Summit? We don't have a CR ministry in my church and I'd really like to meet up with some people.
Dink on 12 years ago
Hey Harry hope all is well. I hear there is a CR gathering sometime in July. Do you have the info??
Torsha Lynch on 12 years ago
Hello there, I am in North Carolina now we getting the woman's group going.
hmullan on 12 years ago
Thanks Eric, These should be fixed now as this was the download page problem. Please make sure to clear all your cache before trying.
erotmil on 12 years ago
There are two broken links "download the messages" and "print the classes" fyi Thanks E
erotmil on 12 years ago
Things are on track with CR here in Orlando. Its great to have the Church's support for this much needed ministry. Thanks for keeping this site here Harry , its a great resource for articles and archived info too!
hmullan on 12 years ago
Apparently the sites download link was not working either. Just fixed it. Had anyone an issue with it?
hmullan on 12 years ago
@handsofsupport Thanks for the heads up on that break. I just upgraded the site and it now appears to be fixed. Let me know if you see differently.
handsofsupport on 12 years ago
Hey Harry how are you bro?? The site looks great. I tried to download the audio from the link "Listen to the Audio" from the Willingness to Change Workshop while on an android device but it seemed to be linked to a parallel error page. Wanted to drop you a line and let you know.
StaceyM on 12 years ago
Hello, I'm new here. Does anyone know if there are going to be any CR-related events or get togethers in San Antonio, TX? Thank you.
erotmil on 12 years ago
Hey all, glad this site is here. Its a link to encourage our faith that many are in the battle and winning! In Orlando we started meeting regularly after taking a break. Pray for us to have success with the men coming and to have a women's CR group too soon. Thanks Eric
K9HNDLER on 12 years ago
Dink, we just graduated a young man this past Sunday, and I can share the process and the diploma with you if you like.
Tia on 12 years ago
Thank you Dink. I appreciate it. I live in VA, but I should be visiting Baltimore pretty soon to visit a sister who use to live here in VA. She goes to The Greater Baltimore now. So when I come up there. I will definitely seek into coming to one of your meetings. Expect a visit from me sometime in April.
Dink on 12 years ago
Hey Harry how are you bro?? Do you guys have any CR graduations coming up, or a dialogue with what it entails??