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Recovery StoriesRecommitted to Recovery
![]() I was born in 1970 in Angola, Africa during the height of the Cold War. This was followed by the Civil War after the country gaining independence in 1975 from Portugal. By God's grace and the hard work of my Father, a UN Selected Student in Washington DC, my Mom and her 5 children had been able to get political asylum and move to the US in 1979.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 14:53:47
My Heart Wasn’t Ready To Change
![]() Last year in 2010 I started studying the bible and found that with my addiction I needed to be around people who were mature in recovery and could relate to me. The ministry met my spiritual needs as a young Christian.
Friday, April 29, 2011 - 17:38:22
I Had No Perception Of Reality
![]() I will be 52 years old next June 5, I have 4 sons, three from my first marriage and one from my second. I first started smoking between 11 and 12 years old, I had my first drink between 12 and 13 and my first marijuana use at age 14. After this my life climbed into a pit of despair using amphetamines, peyote, LSD, cocaine and hallucinogenic mushrooms. I both free-based and injected my drugs. I want to emphasize that my drug use began at such an early age. It is so important for parents to know what their kids are doing, where they are going and whom are they hanging out with. There are also the cases where the parents almost encourage drug use through not being involved and tolerating use by their children. When we start using so young we quickly need more and more of the drug to get as high as before.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - 12:52:53
I Broke My Mothers Heart - Updated
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 21:53:40
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