A Substance Abuse Recovery Ministry of the
International Churches of Christ
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Consistently Inconsistent - Total Recovery
Just this morning I was pondering the concept of consistency. It is something I am not very good at as anyone who knows me can attest to. I'm the kind of person who starts off strong, with great ideas and enthusiasm, like a greyhound from the gate but halfway through the race, I slow down, lose interest and in too many cases simply quit altogether. This is not a good habit for a Christian to have. With this in mind I sought out my good friend, the teller of secrets, the pool of unending knowledge ~ Google! I found some interesting quotes regarding consistency from many famous people in all walks of life. The famous writer Oscar Wilde stated that "consistency is the hallmark of the unimaginative". Mahatma Gandhi noted that "constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position." The motivational speaker Tony Robbins had this to say about consistency " in essence, if we want to direct our lives we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in awhile that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently."

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Friday, July 25, 2014 - 12:43:00

FEDEX Indicted For Its Role In Distributing Controlled Substances And Prescription Drugs
July 17 (SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - A federal grand jury in San Francisco indicted FedEx Corporation, FedEx Express, Inc., and FedEx Corporate Services, Inc., today, with conspiracies to traffic in controlled substances and misbranded prescription drugs for its role in distributing controlled substances and prescription drugs for illegal Internet pharmacies, announced United States Attorney Melinda Haag, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Jay Fitzpatrick, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Acting Director of the Office of Criminal Investigations Philip J. Walsky.
Read the complete Press Release here Download the indictment here.(PDF)
What's your opinion? Should Fedex be held responsible for what people ship using their service? What could they do to prevent their company being used to move illegal drugs? Leave a comment in the comment section below.

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Sunday, July 20, 2014 - 18:07:00

The Chemical Recovery Ministry Visits Lagos
On September 24th the New York City Church of Christ sent 18 disciples (6 from Staten Island and 12 from the Bronx) to Lagos, Nigeria to encourage our sister church there. It was an amazing experience from the moment we landed till the time we left 10 days later.  We separated into three groups to best logistically serve the 9 regions of the church.

Some of the highlighting moments were spending time in all of the regions and preaching at the various midweeks, the Congregational Teaching Day on Saturday September 28th, The Independence Worship Sunday, The October 1st Independence Day outreach to the poor, training the staff on Working Effectively With Non-Full Time Staff and last but certainly not least going to visit disciples who lived in some of the remote areas of Lagos.

Lagos  Lagos  Lagos 
Lagos  Lagos   

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Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 21:35:49

Broken In One Peace
Broken in one PeaceI finished this book a little over a week ago. It was a great read and at times I had trouble putting it down. It is a great testimony to how God can bring us from any depths of despair into peace with him. It is vital that people understand that God can reach them and that they have not fallen too far from Him. It is worth investing in a copy for yourself or a friend.
You can also find out more about the book on outskirtspress.com. It is available for purchase there, as well as amazon.com and bn.com.

Mental Illness & Addiction, a revealing look in Broken into One Peace
published by Outskirts Press

September,  2012 – Denver, CO, and Burnsville, MN – Susanna Qua announced the release of Broken into One Peace, published by Outskirts Press.  Qua’s frank disclosure of her troubled past and her carefully described spiritual journey out of it is a model of courage, perseverance and dignity which offers both hope and tangible advice to anyone on a similar path or helping others find that path.

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Friday, November 16, 2012 - 16:21:46

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