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International Churches of Christ
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Leadership in the C.R. Ministry
Leader in the CR MinistryNeed for Leadership: 
As with any organizational or ministry structure there is always a need for leadership.  The Bible is quite clear on the subject and concludes that, without leadership there will be a lack of direction and purpose.
  Judges: 18:1, 19:1, 21:25 “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.”
When God spoke about Israel “having no king” it was not a compliment.  The book of Judges records some of the worst times in Israel’s history because of the lack of solid spiritual leadership.
It was not the title of “king” that God was emphasizing but instead He was expressing the need for strong spiritual guidance for a nation of His people.

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010 - 11:18:08

Staying Sober For The Holidays
Sober for the HolidaysThe holiday season is upon us once again. The parties are being planned and the food prepared. You too must prepare yourself for the struggles, temptations or flashbacks that could be winging their way in your direction even as you read this. Of course, the holidays are a time of celebration but for most of us, in the past, celebrating meant getting high or drunk.

This could be your first holiday sober and the memories could come flooding back. It would be foolish to face this season unprepared. So in light of this, here are some tips to help get you through the holidays sane and sober.

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Tuesday, December 02, 2008 - 16:43:31

Evangelists and Chemical Recovery - One in Spirit and Purpose
Written By Jim Brown
The Brown FamilyAfter Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.” Mark 9:28-29

It is not that the disciples in the above scripture couldn’t drive out the demon from the cruelly possessed boy; they needed help getting it done. They had cast out demons before but these ones were more entrenched and harder to defeat. Jesus explained that in order to cast out certain demons, the disciples would need some additional tools in their spiritual toolbox. Their faith had not been sufficient to get the job done without some added prayer and fasting. This is still true for us today; we face many challenges as Christians that are difficult to get through without a little extra help.

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Sunday, October 09, 2005 - 00:23:52

Developing a Biblical Conviction About Addiction
Bible.gifThe purpose of this study is to help someone develop biblical convictions about addressing the use and abuse of alcohol, nicotine and other damaging chemical addictive substances.

Biblical Definition of Addiction: Romans 7:14-20
This scripture clearly shows the powerlessness associated with addiction. Give an example of someone who wants to quit drinking (smoking or drugging) and has tried many times only to find themselves back at square one. It also shows its relationship to sin. From the very beginning it is important to establish that addiction is a sin issue and must be approached from that standpoint. Helping the person you are studying with to understand this at the outset will be crucial to their willingness to repent and get help.

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Saturday, July 16, 2005 - 16:30:05

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