A Substance Abuse Recovery Ministry of the
International Churches of Christ
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About Us
Chemical Recovery FellowshipThe Chemical Recovery Fellowship (CR) is a ministry of the International Churches of Christ that strives to help the addict recover and remain sober through the power of God.

The ChemicalRecovery.Org website is based out of New York.
The editor and site designer is Harry Mullan (hmullan 'at' chemicalrecovery.org) who has been involved with ChemicalRecovery.Org since its inception.
Other contributing writers are:
Kevin Davis ~ New York (kdavis 'at' chemicalrecovery.org)
Joseph Fusiller ~ New York (jfusiller 'at' chemicalrecovery.org)
David Martin ~ New York (dmartin 'at' chemicalrecovery.org)
Shawn Murray ~ New York (smurray 'at' chemicalrecovery.org)

Our definition of addiction comes from the Bible. In Romans 7:14 - 20, Paul writes, “l do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do… For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing”. We accept and understand that without Gods Power, we are truly powerless over our addictions.

We believe that addiction affects a person physically, pyschologically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and that Gods plan for the addict is one of Total Recovery. God does not want to heal part of the addict but instead bring a whole healing to a life of misery and despair. We believe that recovery is not a quick fix or a 12 week program but instead, we approach recovery as a lifelong commitment. We believe that a person who is truly enslaved to alcohol and/or other drugs can only insure his or her continued sobriety by total abstinence, one day at a time for the rest of their life.

Chemical Recovery meetings are open to everyone. The only requirement is a desire to get well. The group has
set in place to maintain order and to provide a tangible means by which we can evaluate our recovery. We have eight traditions that have a firm Biblical foundation. These traditions help keep focused on what is important about recovery.

An important part of Chemical Recovery is writing a
journal. Details about the journal can be found here.

All trademarks are © their respective owners, all other content is © ChemicalRecovery.org 2000/2021.