Leadership in the C.R. Ministry

 hmullan    Oct 06 : 11:18
 None    Classes

The Bible is quite clear on the subject and concludes that, without leadership there will be a lack of direction and purpose.

Leader in the CR MinistryNeed for Leadership: 
As with any organizational or ministry structure there is always a need for leadership.  The Bible is quite clear on the subject and concludes that, without leadership there will be a lack of direction and purpose.
  Judges: 18:1, 19:1, 21:25 “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.”
When God spoke about Israel “having no king” it was not a compliment.  The book of Judges records some of the worst times in Israel’s history because of the lack of solid spiritual leadership.
It was not the title of “king” that God was emphasizing but instead He was expressing the need for strong spiritual guidance for a nation of His people.

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