One Day Seminar in Westerm Maryland

 hmullan    May 03 : 10:57
 None    CR Ministry News

Saturday April 28th 2012.

Satu1_1336056836_One_Da.gifrday April 28th 2012.
Members of the Baltimore Maryland, Montgomery County, Frederick Maryland and Northern Virginia Chemical Recovery (CR) ministries gathered for a one-day seminar in western Maryland. 
Classes included “The Ten Killers of a Group”, “Willingness to Change” and “Outreach” in the form of a Bible Talk designed to introduce Church Members and their visitors to the Chemical Recovery Ministry.
The groups’ fellowshipped, broke bread together, renewing and strengthening friendships that will help the various ministries to flourish and grow.   “As iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another”.   To God be the Glory

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This news item is from ChemicalRecovery.Org