Will And Rose Ashley Appointed Evangelist And Womens Minstry Leader

 Editor    May 20 : 15:40
 None    CR Ministry News

Upon their return from the CR Leaders Retreat on November 23rd, Will and Rose Ashley were appointed Evangelist and Women's Ministry Leader.

Upon their return from the CR Leaders Retreat on November 23rd, Will and Rose Ashley were appointed Evangelist and Women's Ministry Leader. They have been serving in the full time ministry since 1996. The Ashley's served faithfully in New York for four years and moved to Los Angeles in 2000 to redevelop the chemical recovery ministry in the South Central Region of the Los Angeles Church of Christ.

They currently oversee the East Cities/ Metro Heights Region and work in conjunction with CR ministries in 7 out of 9 regions. Their wisdom, experience and gentleness has encouraged, strengthened and instilled hope in many and, God willing, will continue to do so.

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This news item is from ChemicalRecovery.Org